Maintenance Public Green
Treating Public Green
Miramare Service s.r.l. carries out the maintenance service of green areas, which provides all those activities necessary to maintain these public areas in efficiency, both from a technical agronomic point of view, and in terms of safety, functionality, hygiene, use and aesthetic decorum .
By green areas we mean: parks, gardens, flowerbeds, tree-lined avenues, planters, roundabouts and green streets, green parking lots, green areas belonging to public buildings.
The maintenance of public green areas is carried out through the annual planning of interventions in ordinary maintenance and extraordinary maintenance.
Ordinary maintenance of the PUBLIC GREEN is periodic and includes appropriate interventions to guarantee the decorum and hygiene of public areas.
Routine processing, considered essential requirements and therefore included in ordinary maintenance interventions are: mowing the grass, pruning hedges – shrubs – bushes, weeding, cutting and shredding the spontaneous vegetation of docks and ditches adjacent to roads , the removal of the leaves from the lawns in the PARKS and GARDENS of the Schools, manual scerbatura in flower beds.
The extraordinary maintenance of the PUBLIC GREEN generally includes maintenance interventions aimed at the conservation of the arboreal patrimony and acts to guarantee the usability in safety of the areas and public land. These interventions consist mainly of pruning, cutting, cutting dangerous branches or obstructing visibility or road conditions, killing sick or dead plants or dangerous for public safety, planting new tree species. Pruning can be performed from November to March.
Any reports
They can be made at the relevant office or at the Public Relations Office

Contact us
We are always listening to citizens to offer a better service and to maintain the heritage entrusted to us in a dignified manner. We trust everyone to keep the environment clean. For any problem or report fill in and send the form below.